There is a worldwide move at Government and Bureaucratic levels calling for tigher regulations to natural products in the interest of public safety.  Yet no case for public danger has been presented.  This presents a certain irony when you consider the facts below:

1.  Selling Cigarettes That Say They Can Cause Cancer or Kill is Legal

Regulations require cigarette packets to have photos on them of the adverse effects caused by smoking the product.

Cigarettes, despite the fact it is a health hazard to public safety, are perfectly legal.  You can sell them as long as it says they may kill you. In fact it says on this packet, "Smoking causes mouth cancer".

There are no plans for tightening regulations.

Prescription Drugs That Have Recorded Deaths are Perfectly Legal


Legally Prescribed Drugs kill 3 time as many people per year than road accidents. (around 1,500 every year in NZ). Around the world it is estimated that legal drugs kill well over a million people every year. It's ok to sell these drugs as long as a certain percentage of the population gain benefit.  The percentage of people that die is irrelvant because it's expected.





There are no plans for tightening regulations for big drug companies.


Telling you what Lavender Can Do For You Is Illegal


Under the Medicines Act 1981, Schedule 1, it is illegal to tell you what this (and other natural products) can do to help you.  Lavender, as with other natural products, has no record of ever killing any one. There are plans for tightening regulations of natural products to protect public safety. 
 "barking mad"






Tobacco and drug companies are free to sell their products when it is well documented and accepted that deaths can result.  Yet natural product manufacturers can't tell you their products heal even if there is research to prove it.  We don't think this is regulation in the interest of public safety.  Do you? 

Evidence placed before the Health Select Committee proved that the quality, safety and efficacy of dietary supplements are in fact not only far superior to pharmaceutical drugs but are also superior to the foods we eat, with regard to both adverse reactions and deaths.

2:  The information war against natural products spews out bogus research saying natural products don't work



In 1899, a German chemist named Felix Hoffmann, who worked for a German company called Bayer, made a formula with salicin derived from Willow Bark and gave it to his father who was suffering from the pain of arthritis. With good results, Felix Hoffmann then convinced Bayer to market the new drug that relieves pain. Aspirin was patented on February 27, 1900.








The bark of white willow contains salicin and is thought to be responsible for the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects of the herb.  Salicin is the chemical that was synthesised to make Asprin.  This product is legal however manufacturers can't tell you what it can do for you.









Schedule 1 of the Medicines Act makes it is illegal to tell you what Willow Bark can do to help you - ie: relieve pain. The use of willow bark dates back to the time of Hippocrates (400 BC) when patients were advised to chew on the bark to reduce fever and inflammation. Willow bark has been used throughout the centuries in China and Europe. Since 400BC Willow Bark has no record of ever killing anyone.










3:  Legal and Government Recommended

  Flu Vaccinations Are Legal

Apparently injecting chicken embryos, live virus, formaldehyde, mercury and detergent into your veins to prevent you from getting the flu every 4 out of 5 years, far from hazardous it's sold to us as therapeutic. 






The Israeli Minister of Health took the flu vaccine off the market after 3 people died within days of being injected.  Despite officials stating there was no link between the deaths of the people and the injection they received three days prior to death, the Minister took a better be safe than sorry policy and said that until things are clarified it remains banned.

In 2008 the Mail on Sunday (UK) reported 23 people had died from heart attacks, blood infections and pneumonia after having routine flu jabs and a further 123 people suffered a suspected reaction so severe they were taken to hospital.  Health Minister Dawn Primarolo insisted the flu vaccine was safe and added: ‘The balance of benefits to risks remains overwhelmingly positive.’ The current main stream accepted paradigm of healing that implicitly implies it's ok for members of your family to die as long as a member of someone else's lives, is why drug companies get to push vaccines and drugs that knowingly harm and kill.

FYI: Sales for the Flu Vaccine in 2003 reached $332.4 million US dollars in America alone.

4:  The Amino Acid L-Tryptophan is Illegal

  L-Tryptophan the amino-acid (found in dairy products) is banned in dietary supplements.  L-Tryptohpan stimulates serotonin levels and relieves depression, anxiety and PMS.  Present FDA public policy maintains that L-Tryptophan is an untested, unapproved and hazardous drug. 

Four days after the amino acid was banned, Newsweek" featured an article praising the virtues of the anti-depressant drug Prozac with the caption: "Prozac: A Breakthrough drug for Depression."











Interestingly enough despite L-Tryptophan's public ban and import alert on L-Tryptophan, the FDA allows the pharamaceutical company, Ajinomoto U.S.A., the right to import L- Tryptophan from Japan. Distributed from the Ajinomoto in Raleigh, North Carolina, the L- Tryptophan is then sold to, a network of compounding pharmacies across the United States an available by prescription by a physician's order. Once a dietary supplement L-Tryptophan has now re-emerged as a new prescription drug in the serotonin marketplace. One hundred 500 mg. capsules cost about $75.00, approximately five times more than if they were sold as a dietary supplement.

5:  Keeping It Real

Bill Maher - Anti-Pharma Rant

A Must Have Drug For Everyone - A Parody

Consumers Union and The Animation Farm create
The Drug I Need”
a humorous music video which urges
drug safety reform.  


Parody- the drug industry drug PharmAmorin -

a drug for people who don't like the Big Pharma


The Daily Show's Jon Stewart
has fun with the

 Avian Flu Virus H5N1

The Town of Allopath
A fable written by Mike Adams of News Target