Did you know that there is no evidence the HPV vaccine being given to 12-year-old girls will be effective; the HPV vaccine may expose https://www.acheterviagrafr24.com/meilleur-viagra-generique/ children to significant risk; HPV vaccines are the first genetically modified (GM) vaccines and therefore present significant, unpredictable risks; unethical promotion of the vaccine, along with the use of misleading claims, are commonplace. Are you in a position to make an informed choice to vaccinate or be vaccinated? 

Read more: ANH Feature: The HPV Vaccine (Gardasil) in the spotlight

The vaccine debate is a difficult issue to grapple with, and usually most relevant for parents raising children. You have likely found your way to this page through genuine concern for making the best healthcare decisions for yourself and your family. Health Freedom NZ position is pro choice for vaccination, provided in an environment of balanced information and non-biased scientific fact.

Over the decades vaccines have been the result of advancing technology and honourable intentions by scientists and medical health professionals, and they have offered solutions to a number diseases affecting humanity. But we are concerned by the influence of profit interests, the increasing skill of government lobbyists and the considerable contribution of drug company funding which heavily influences the pro-vaccines lobby. We observe this manifest within our schools, the mainstream media, professional websites and other areas of society.

Read more: The Vaccine Debate

View an informed debate on the link between Autism and Vaccines by Robert F. Kennedy Jr; and review an article by ANH on scientific links between Vaccines and Autism which when published in the prestigious medical journal 'The Lancet' caused the sacking and discrediting of the team of doctors responsible for it. 

Read more: The Autism / Vaccine Link
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