The Codex Alimentarius Commission (referred to as Codex) was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main purpose of this Commission is stated as protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices, promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Codex has as many as 27 active committees meeting on an annual basis. While it is possible the commissions' initial intentions may have been altruistic it is now clear that Codex has been over taken by corporate interests; particularly the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.

Codex is a global organisation which represents one of the greatest threats to Health Freedom internationally. Just some of their agenda items include the addition of Genetic Modification to organic foods, caps on therapeutic dosages of natural supplements and the addition of many synthetic chemicals to our food supply. 

Please watch We Became Silent, narrated by Dame Judy Dench

Why is Codex a Threat to Our Health Freedom?

Codex is important to understand as it will have an impact on our right to healthy lifestyles and health care choices. If the Codex Alimentarius Commission is successful in implementing their international standards we could see:

  • The degradation and undermining of organic standards resulting in food that is labelled “organic” containing various chemical additives and processing aids, or having been grown with chemical pesticides.
  • Flagrant disregard of their own directive to protect consumer safety by setting standards that allow for significant residues of pesticides in foods (as much as 3275 chemicals) including those that are suspected carcinogens or endocrine disrupters (or energy disrupters).
  • An understatement of nutritional requirements for long term optimum health of the consumers it seeks to protect, by setting unnecessarily low Nutrient Reference Values.
  • The forcing of therapeutic grade vitamins and minerals to be reclassified as drugs by default, by setting very low maximum level dosages for supplements using flawed risk assessment methods.
  • The groundwork achieved for implementation of GM food plants and GM animals, by maintaining that world food requirements cannot be met without global implementation of GM animals.
  • The approval of “Terminator seeds” for international trade resulting in world agricultural populations economically vulnerable to crop failures during natural disasters, droughts or floods.

If we allow Codex to implement these strategies eventually:

  • The world population will not know what it is eating.
  • The world population will not know why it is getting sick.
  • The world population will not have access to natural nutrients or natural medicines that can contribute to wellness.

Please become more informed about this agency and tell people about it, refer them to this site. You can read more about the Background to the Codex Alimentarius Commission and also read more information here.